Filling the Blanks with Knowledge

Sidd Chauhan
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

It’s said the best note-taking method out there is the one that is perfect for you.

There’s a variety of ways and one person will tell you about what they do and someone else will say something very different. Only by trying different methods for yourself can you figure out what is the perfect one for you.

Make it as unique as you so you’ll stick to it until it becomes a habit.

I wanted to share one of these methods with you all called the Blank Sheet Method. Trust me, it’s not complex at all and is as simple as it sounds. No really!

You take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you know about the topic you are about to study or the book you are about to read or the podcast you are about to listen to.

The idea behind this is it helps you retrieve what you already know and remember by bringing it into something concrete.

If you’re not into the whole paper thing and would rather have a digital version then choose any free mind mapping app like Miro, Coggle, etc.

Once you’re done putting it all onto your medium of choice the next step is to start learning. For example, let’s say you’re reading a book and want to retain the knowledge and take action on it instead of just passively reading it. After you’re done reading a chapter take a different color pen or pencil and simply fill in the gaps.

What this does is it allows you to see where the gaps in your thinking were and at the same time, you get to see your knowledge grow over time. Intuition is a great thing and you start to see how very different ideas can actually connect together.

After a learning session is complete keep these notes safe and the next time you come back for another session start by reviewing your notes. Your notes activate the parts of your brain to key things to look out for as well as activate the new neurons created from the last session.

Neurons that fire together wire together — Donald Hebb

I’m using this method for the books I read to see how it makes a difference from my normal method.

Hope you find it useful and have a great weekend.

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Sidd Chauhan

AI Consultant | Youtuber | Podcaster | Writer | Featured in the Startup Publication